It's official!Our CL3-HIV unit has finally been commissioned for use! This inner room within our CL2 lab is where all of our work with...
NIAID Press ReleaseEnjoy this press release about Dr. Guzzo's latest publication:
'Tis the Season!Things got a little festive in the Guzzo Lab! Among the other things that happened recently, we started our secret Santa tradition,...
Trick or Tree 2018On your mark, get set, plant! Some members of our lab braved the rain to participate in UTSC's Trick or Tree initiative that aimed to...
Happy Birthday!Happy birthday to our boss!!! And introducing our lab personnel for this year, from left to right, Steve, Laxsha, Arvin, Vanessa, Homaira...
Summer 2018 BBQOur first lab BBQ! Featuring, from left to right, Jonathan, Dr. Guzzo, Arvin and Steve. Check out the colour palette in the sky!
Lab "Opening" Day!Before we've actually been designated a lab, we threw an opening party! Most of the labs from the CI research cluster at UTSC were in...