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*Denotes Special Awards Received For Training


  1. *Timothy Lee: Optimizing Flow Virometry Techniques to Improve Detection and Analysis of HIV-1 Populations. *Work-study student (summer) and Undergraduate thesis student (fall/winter).

  2. *Shubeen Ahmed: Optimizing Flow Virometry Techniques for the Detection of Low Abundance Proteins on HIV-1 Virions. *NSERC USRA recipient (summer) and Undergraduate thesis student (fall/winter).



  1. Stephen Grabinksy: The role of PSGL-1/CD162 in HIV infection. Undergraduate thesis student.

  2. Pritika Thevasingha: University Coop student for lab maintenance.



  1. Vanessa Norouzi: Identification of novel human proteins incorporated into the external HIV-1 envelope. Undergraduate thesis student.



  1. *Luis Davila: Phenotyping virions surfaces with novel techniques. *MITACS Global Intern from Mexico. Undergraduate summer student.

  2. Laxshaginee Thaya: Investigating the Effects of HIV-1 Incorporation of Integrin Alpha 4 Beta 7 on Antibody Recognition and Neutralization Sensitivity. Undergraduate thesis student.



  1. Homaira Hamidzada: The Pleiotropic Roles of Cytokines in HIV-1 Pathogenesis and Control. Undergraduate student.

  2. *Stephen Bennett: Identification of unique cytokine expression patterns and protein interactions for optimal immunity. *NSERC USRA recipient

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